The past few days

By wayne mccauslin
Well the past few days I must say have been drag. One of my aims for my final major is to greater knowledge my skills of 3D max particularly character animation, rigging, modeling and skinning. It's a very tedious process. Especially when your still trying to learn. However, i feel confident that when the character has been created really let fly on my other skills within max. I just can't wait to get to the story and realise whats actually going on! It's very frustrating at this point to not know what is actually going to happen with my characters. It's all about patience I guess. You need a lot of that I tell you.

Any way these are some shots of the work I've produced in the past 3-4 days.




In the next couple of days I will be creating character expressions and hopefully getting some animation experiments underway! =)


My Aim

By wayne mccauslin
My Aim

I aim to create a short animation that will focus on the engagement of two characters that contrast (a young boy and an old man). The theme for the project is story telling. The audience will follow the animation through a series of stories that are told by one of the main characters by using either voice over techniques to avoid problems such as lip sync or no dialog with music e.g father and daughter (2005) Michael Dudok De wit. The animation will also deal with the sub-theme of contrasting characters in confined spaces e.g. Pitbull which could also allow me to inject comedy.

I have chosen this aim because i feel i need to develop my character and narrative skills. This will also demonstrate existing skills such as composition, illustration and landscape. For my target audience I will be focusing on an older audience mature teenagers --> adults.

I will record my development by keeping an RVJ and personal blog,



Narrative / Storytelling - make sure my work is well received



Sean Tan - The Arrival (Storytelling without word)

Shaun Tan - The lost thing (Visual Style)

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Andy Whiteley - Lloyds TSB advert (Visual)

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Waking Life - Richard Linklater (Storytelling + Visual Style)

Experiments. Character rigging tests


What make's a good animation?

By wayne mccauslin

As a student animator it is very easy to fall into the trap of trying to make the perfect film that everyone will love. Even though history tells us otherwise with some of the most successful animation using the simplest method of storytelling and some of the biggest blunders well being the needlessly complicated (e.g. final fantasy). For over three years I have considered myself to be an animator but not till recently have i realised the importance of simplicity.

The temptation to swallow more than you can chew comes from the great level of expectancy at university with the next step being the industry. With the chances of becoming successful in the arts being so tight it’s understandable why we shake at the knees of Pixar (in my case). One of the disadvantages of being a student animator is the workload. It’s hard enough being an animator but to come up with a concept, storyboarding, audio and visual direction and of course thee animating seems abit too much don’t you think? Anyway losing my point here, but maybe if i decided to make things simple and take all that workload off and do what animation is all about I might actually be able to make it through Uni without going crazy. But I guess I’ll just have to see where my next animation takes me. (please please win an oscar)

Here’s a cool animation I came across today, pretty funny and -->simple