
By wayne mccauslin
After a year of tiresome commercial projects and very un-inspiring workloads my next animation is in the making and I aim to make it worth the wait. I have been writing a few stories when I have had the time to and I now have a story in the making. The story involves two characters, a boy Macca and a goose Pete. They find a key which will unlock a very exciting adventure.

For the next few weeks I will be working on stills, character sketches and working on the story. Would love to hear peoples feedback and if anybody is interested on working on this project with me!

Act 04

By wayne mccauslin

Act 03

By wayne mccauslin

Act 02

By wayne mccauslin

Act 01

By wayne mccauslin
The past few days have i have been putting together some of the scenes for my final animation. The character model is causing a bit of a problem as expected and the expressions don't really come off smooth. But at this stage it's probably too late to make adjustments to my characters and will concentrate on finishing the animation short. Will recap on my final Aim over the next couple of days.


Trojectories Reference Video

By wayne mccauslin

Old Man and New Man

By wayne mccauslin

Final Characters

By wayne mccauslin
Coming towards the end of the project now and some technical issues have slowed down the animation side of things. The Previous Old Man Character has now been remade because of problems with rigging. My aim for the next week is to have a short animation in rough. Possibly the week after will have some full renders or possibly some high res stills.



By wayne mccauslin
his animation follows after kelvin soh eng zhe in group chain 01. My topic was how messages can be distorted through different methods of communication.


By wayne mccauslin

Just a short render to get an idea of how i would like the first scene to look

Opening Scene Test Render

By wayne mccauslin

Video Reference

By wayne mccauslin

Creating the Train

Category: By wayne mccauslin
Today I have been building the train which will feature in my short. It based on the Hudson 4-6-4 because i liked it's unconventional look which I think will fit in well with the world of my characters. I used this image for reference.


Photo Reference

By wayne mccauslin

More Illustrations

By wayne mccauslin

Old Man Expressions and Illustrations

By wayne mccauslin

Just been adding some features to the old man character. His face and body are quite jagged but I think thats the kind of style I had in mind for him. Which works out better for my poor computer - come on you can make it through!!!


Old Man Walking

By wayne mccauslin

Both of my characters are now fully rigged so now all it's down to is the animation which should commence sometime after next week. For the time being I will be concentrating on the sets, character tests and film reference.

Walking Test 02

By wayne mccauslin
This is another walking test I made last night. Will still like to maybe add a bit more personality to the character.


Recap on New Aim

By wayne mccauslin
I aim to create a short animation that will focus on the engagement of two characters that contrast (a young boy and an old man). Instead of concentrating on the journey of the characters on the train I have turned my attention to their differences. The new theme for this project is conflict. I have also taking into consideration the characters common goals i.e. they both want to have a peaceful journey - this is again where they differ and the conflict takes place. This can be seen in most films and animation e.g. tom and jerry.

With this project I will also be concentrating on the character development, movement and expressions. This will be a big learning curve technically and will help me to expand my knowledge of 3D and animation principles.

Animation tests and Animatic

By wayne mccauslin
This week I have been mainly focusing on my storyboarding, animatic and animation tests. Some of my key areas of improvement discussed in last weeks lesson have been improved also i.e. character movement and animatic. For next week I aim to have gathered actors and started filming scenes, further my animation tests, create sets and think about the sound track.


Why Mr. Bean of course

By wayne mccauslin

Some Improvements

By wayne mccauslin
Now in week 6 and the panicking is starting to commence. The past week or so I have been concentrating on one of my main characters. I have been studying how to rig a character correctly and I have come across some very annoying problems as expected. Nothing every seems to go right?hmmm. On the other hand I have come nearer to a conclusion to the story which has changed quite radically but should benifit me with the work load. The story focuses on two characters that are very different in personality, one an old man and a young boy. The main theme for my aim has now changed to conflicting characters (previously was storytelling). The reason for the change is just partly because the other idea was probably more suited for a short film rather than an animation. It could probably have worked if it was a music video. Here are some of my sketches and mood boards.



For next week I aim to have a finalised storyboard and animatic. Would also like to include some more testers.